Local Curriculum
Our local curriculum is co-designed using community and student voice
We ask our community what is of interest, concern and/or importance to them at a local, national and global level. From this information, common themes emerge that become the focus of our student centred inquiry learning.
It is our belief that when students, staff and our parent community are invested in the learning, it is more likely that ownership of it will follow. Our local curriculum is inclusive and classroom teachers make sure every child can access it at their level with the support they need.
Our inquiry cycle has 4 phases helping our students become independent learners.
Jump In students participate in experiences that spark curiosity
Get Curious students ask questions about the learning and, 'Chalk it up!'
Get Learning students seek answers from a variety of sources
Get Going students share their learning and take action.
Reading, writing and Maths remain our core subjects and are integrated across the curriculum where teachers make explicit reading - writing - maths links. This sees us take a hands on approach, making learning fun. We draw from students rich cultural experiences, engage with our local community and use STEAM to foster curiosity and develop student agency.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) in our Curriculum
At St Leonards Rd School STEAM-based learning programmes equip our students with the skills and knowledge they are equipped to meet the global skills shortage in these fields for their future employment supporting them to thrive in the 21st century.
We use Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points to guide student inquiry, learning talk and critical thinking.
STEAM integrates these subjects into interdependent learning opportunities in authentic context.
STEAM learning will produce tomorrow's designers and engineers and develop innovative mindsets who have the ability to problem-solve.
This will ensure our students will become creators of technology, not just passive users of it.
STEAM learning helps our students:
think outside the box
feel safe to express innovative and creative ideas
feel comfortable doing hands-on learning
take ownership over their learning
work collaboratively with others
understand the ways that science, maths, the arts, and technology work together
become increasingly curious about the world around them and feel empowered to change it for the better.
Community Engagement
To support the development of our local curriculum we work with our Kaumatua and schools across our Kāhui Ako.
We have developed strong relationships with the Kelston Community Hub and Eco Matters New Lynn who have supported us with our Rongoa Garden. We are also engaged with Eco Matters on a rejuvenation project on the Whau river at Onewherowhero (Brains Park).
At St. Leonards Rd school, we have high expectations of every child. We believe that all students can reach their potential and can achieve success. This is best done when home and school work in close partnership with the 'child' central.
Ehara taku toa, i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini
Success is not the work of one but the work of many
Valuing Cultural Capital in our Curriculum
To help our children successfully engage in their learning we
value first language
draw on children's rich cultural experiences to build further learning
ensure learning is hands on, relevant and engaging
use student voice as experts of their own stories and cultural heritage
engage community expertise to share local, community and global knowledge with our students