Te Whānau Matauranga o Kerehana Kāhui Ako

A Kāhui Ako is a group of education and training providers that form around children and young people's learning pathways, and work together to help them achieve their full potential. Students are at the centre. 

Our Purpose

Our purpose as a Kāhui Ako is to meet our achievement challenge targets. Research shows that effective teaching, learning and assessment within contexts that are culturally responsive and inclusive, will improve the engagement and achievement of our students.

Our Values 

The Kelston Cluster of Schools values the following to ensure equity of outcomes for all students:  Whakamanatia/respect  Kairangi/excellence  Tohea/resilience  Mana/pride  Rangatiratanga/self determination  Whānau/community 


‘Hei whakatipu rangatira mō apōpō’ Growing great leaders for a great future