Our Values
Our values
underpin everything we do
speak to who we are; how we behave and the way we learn together as a school community
ground us when we face challenges
remind us that we are part of a community who believes in us, knows we can learn and will succeed
confirm that when one of us succeeds, we all succeed!.
Whānau whānui
Knowing yourself and whānau, embracing all people.
Identity, confidence, team work, service, humility.
Serving our community: Aroha mai - aroha atu.
Encouragement, integrity, honesty and care.
Keep trying no matter how hard!
Engaged, resilient, confident, knowledgeable.

2021 Values Consultation
Our values were initially established in 2018 as an outcome of community consultation. They have been recently refreshed in 2021 to ensure they continue to reflect our community views and strategic direction.
The voices of our students, parents, staff and community were gathered in our 2021 community consultation. From this, it became clear that our value Hiranga (Excellence) was embedded across the other values:
Whānau whānui (belonging)
Manawanui (perseverance)
Mana Tangata (integrity)
And so in 2021 the four values merged into three. Whānau whānui (belonging) and Manawanui (perseverance) still featured strongly through the voices of our students, parents and staff, so these values remain. While integrity also featured, the word 'respect' was clearly more dominant.
After thoughtful and considered korero with our Kaumatua, Papa Ngaro, it was decided that the richness and depth of Manaakitanga best reflected the voices of our school community who identified respect as important. Manaakitanga is all encompassing and inclusive of integrity, it acknowledges the mana of others, through encouragement, aroha, generosity, kindness and mutual respect.
These behaviours build unity through humility and the act of giving. Manaakitanga is one of the most important concepts to Māori, as it secures the strength of our whānau (families) and communities.
And so after careful and considered deliberation in 2021, we confirmed our values as the following:
Whānau whānui (belonging)
Manaakitanga (respect)
Manawanui (perseverance)